We were all made different to learn from each other.

Isn't that something? I rolled that thought around in my mind as I sipped on my morning coffee, thinking of the unfamiliar streets I’ve walked and the many cups of tea I've sipped. And then that line "We were all made different to learn from each other." popped up in my Facebook feed.

YES!! Exactly!!

Me drinking tea in Edinburgh

What’s been a constant for me? Travel. You see, yanking yourself out of the familiar cozy cocoon and stepping into unknown terrains? That’s where the magic happens. That’s the Universe's way of saying, “Hey, time for a new lens, kiddo.”

The danger is when we cling to our little bubble. It's like eating the same cereal every morning. Sure, it's safe and familiar, but aren't you curious about that exotic fruit salad waiting just across the aisle? It’s that same fear of trying the unknown that keeps our perspectives boxed in.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have to empty your savings to cross the seven seas. No. Sometimes, it's just about wandering into that new cafe in your town or joining a group you've always eyed but never dared to approach.

Let’s get real. If Glennon Doyle taught us anything, it's that “We can do hard things.” And by hard things, I sometimes mean trying a new pasta dish or dancing like no one's watching in a new dance class. Life's too short to limit our horizons.

A fresh perspective? It's like a mental cleanse. Studies have shown that a change in scenery can elevate mood and boost creativity. And hey, ever met someone with a changed perspective? They radiate a different kind of energy, almost like they've unlocked a secret level in the game of life.

So, here's a thought for the weekend: Venture into the unfamiliar. Maybe it's a new book, a foreign movie, or just a different route to work. Break your pattern, even just a little. Your soul might just thank you for it.

And Will Rogers said: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

Go ahead. Change tracks. 


With Love and Wanderlust!



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