Let's Kick the "Bucket List" to the Curb, Shall We?

I've got to get something off my chest, something that irks me more than it probably should (but hey, we all have our things, right?). It's this whole concept of a "bucket list." Every time I hear it, I can't shake the feeling that it's just a bit... morbid, you know?

Why are we framing our grandest adventures and dream experiences around the eventuality of kicking the bucket, literally waiting until we are almost out of time to start living? It's like saying, "Hey, I'm going to do this awesome thing, not because I'm vibrantly alive and curious, but because one day I won't be here." Yikes, right?

So, I propose a rebrand: Let's call it the "Life List" — a celebration of all the extraordinary (and why not, even the most ordinary) things we're doing simply because we are alive and kicking, right here, right now! It's not about ticking off a checklist before time runs out; it's about embracing the beautiful now and following our desires just because they exist and are pulsating in our alive, beating hearts.

Did you know? The phrase "kick the bucket" apparently has roots going way back to the 16th century. It's believed to have originated from the old practice related to slaughtering animals – a bit grim, isn't it? So yes, we are totally due for a refresh!

I recently stumbled upon a quote by the poet, Mary Oliver, that just sings to this topic: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"  Can anyone say Alyssa needs a new tattoo of that? YES!!!!  Doesn't that just ignite a fire in your soul and encourage you to chase after your desires without the shadow of an expiration date looming overhead?

Looking into this I wanted to see if there was any science behind it and there actually is! According to an article in the Harvard Business Review (yeah, we're getting fancy here), pursuing your passions and curiosities has a huge positive impact on your mental wellbeing. It's empowering, fulfilling, and downright necessary to follow what sparks joy in your life, without needing the justification of an end line.

So, what do you say, kindred travel spirits? Shall we start drafting our "Life Lists" and embrace the joy of being wonderfully, fantastically alive, right at this very moment? Let's reclaim our right to enjoy life for life itself, not as a race against time.

Share your thoughts, your smiles, and yes, your grand, beautiful "Life List" ideas with me. Let's fill our lives with the pulse of joy, not the tick-tock of a countdown clock.

With Love and Wanderlust!


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