Choosing Your Seat on an Aircraft: The Unconventional Wisdom of the Middle Seat Lover

Choosing Your Seat on an Aircraft: The Unconventional Wisdom of the Middle Seat Lover

Do you ever feel the rush of competition when you're about to select a seat on a plane? As if you're in the Hunger Games of air travel, and the tribute you want to sponsor is that elusive window or aisle seat in the front? Well, I've been in the travel industry for years, and I'm here to drop a bombshell ā€“ those aren't the best seats in the game. Nope. Allow me to introduce you to the underestimated, overlooked, and often-ridiculed gem: the middle seat at the back of the plane. Yeah, you read that right.

Now, before you close this tab thinking I've gone off the deep end, let me give you a peek into my method; albeit, unconventional, surprising, and a tad rebellious.

About 90% of travelers are obsessed with the front of the plane. You can spot them eagerly nudging their way forward, like Black Friday shoppers gunning for the last big-screen TV. They want the front, and they want the window or aisle. And hey, who can blame them? Conventional wisdom says those are the premium spots. They're close to the exit, meaning you get off faster and perhaps have a view that's not just the back of someone's head.

But here's where my sneaky strategy comes into play. Since NO ONE (in their right mind, they think) voluntarily chooses to sit sandwiched between two strangers, the middle seat is often the last to be picked. Add in the general aversion to the back of the plane, and you've got a recipe for potential solitude. If everyone's clamoring for the front, the back remains a serene, spacious Eden.

Case in point: My upcoming trip. I chose my beloved middle seat, and my daughter, went for a window (she's still in the process of being converted to my unconventional wisdom). As I had anticipated, the seat map for our flight now looks like a concert where everyone's raced to the front stage, leaving the back rows blissfully free. This isn't just a chance occurrence; it's a strategic move. So guess who'll probably be stretching out, maybe even horizontally, on the flight? That's right, us.

It's all about zigging when others zag. Why follow the herd when you can lounge in the spacious pastures at the back?

So next time you're about to book a flight, give a cheeky wink to that middle seat at the back. It's the underdog of the seating world, but with a bit of strategy and a dash of audacity, it might just be your ticket to a comfortable, spacious flight.

And for all the things you can't predict in travel, arm yourself with the best travel essentials. Make sure to check out the collection at the 'Just Carry On' store. Because let's face it, if you're audacious enough to claim the back row, you're definitely savvy enough to travel in style.

Bon voyage and stretch out! šŸ›«šŸŒšŸ›ŒšŸ»

With Love and Wanderlust,


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